Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Training

Sitting here in this hell called the three days before the NCAA Tournament begins......

Amused myself this afternoon by reading awesome sports bloggers Deadspin. To's item highlighting reasons to love the Big Red Machine (or the Hyundai Accent that is today's facsimile of the 75-76 World Champs). In it, I found this bit about former Red and current ESPN talking head Rob Dibble:

Once Rob Dibble spit tobacco juice or something he was chewing that looked pretty nasty within an inch of me and then refused to sign my baseball card because it incorrectly identified him as "Ron" Dibble. "I don't sign errors," Dibble said, before waving his hand to dismiss me, "Lesson learned, kid." I was 10. Yeah, the lesson is you're a dickhead, Ron.

Posted by Unclejbird @ 5:45 PM