Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Carrying the Cross

"Fucking bloggers."
- The Correspondent

And yes, I'm quoting. It's been an interesting couple of weeks for everyone's favorite AP correspondent. First, she gets sent to William and Mary to report on the removal of a cross from the college's famed Wren Chapel. Then she has to go cover a debate featuring a noted conservative talking head. Then, to make matters worse, she gets called out by a fellow blogger.

Hint: You know you're in for a reaming when the author starts out thusly:

The story of the Wren Chapel cross finally made it to the wire services yesterday, and I was so glad to see it... until I saw that AP writer Sonja Barisic had searched high and low and somehow found a student who is not only an orthodox Jew, but an orthodox Jew from Israel, who was willing to be quoted as saying "that as an Orthodox Jew he was uncomfortable when he and other freshmen were taken to the chapel during orientation."
Say it with me now: OH, NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!

The Mayor asks: Can reporters have beefs (the same way rappers can)? And if so, will there be a banking (what we old-timers called a rumble)? And if so, will the reporter be called on to cover her own rumble?

Good question. But, it seems that in the end it was all worth it. Her second foray into podcasting. Eat it, Adam Curry.

Side note: the Wren story with her name on it turned up 67 times in Google News just now.

That's what we call "Gettin' it done."

Posted by Unclejbird @ 5:13 PM

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"The Associated (with terrorists) Press"?! Gimme a fuckin' break. Don't most rational, reasonable people automatically dismiss people who talk like that?

Tell The Correspondent that I totally have her back should any sort of banking/rumble go down.

Posted by Blogger Megan @ 7:51 PM #
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